KAMPALA: At least 50 Judicial Officers at the rank of Magistrate Grade One and Chief Magistrate are set to benefit in two trainings on Case Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Hon. Justice Dr. Henry Peter Adonyo, the Judicial Training Institute Executive Director, who flagged off the five-day trainings said these two training activities aimed at improving capacity in adequately managing the cases pending before the courts.
"...the overall objective of this training is to strengthen your capacity in case management and sharpen your skills in Alternative Dispute Resolution which will ultimately help deal with the issue of case backlog," Hon. Justice Dr. Adonyo said.
The two trainings have been organized by JTI in partnership with the International Law Institute (ILI-ACLE).
Hon. Justice Dr Adonyo said it has been established through research that the conventional system of litigation is one of the causes of case backlog and delays in justice delivery.
"For countries that have moved away from this conventional method of justice delivery, there is quicker dispensation of justice and hence a higher disposal rate of cases. ADR is a major tool that has been adopted in this direction."
He further decried the laxity in enforcing some of the orders courts make which he said has led to continued injustice.
"I am of the considered opinion that if it were possible, courts through its designated officers superintend over the enforcement of some of the orders passed. This is my thinking which may require the necessary legal support."
The trainings are being facilitated by a team of visiting judges and senior counsel from USA and Canada. The team is comprised of; Ms Rosemary Alito, Mr Eric Domnick, Ms Monique Jilesen, Mr Cliff Lax and Mr Howard Scher.
Some of the topics to be explored include Electronic Case Management, Best Practices in Trial Management, Court Annexed Mediation and Key Principles in Judicial Case Management among others.
The Vice Chairman of the International Law Institute (ILI), Mr. Swithin Munyantalit hanked the participants for sparing their time to attend the workshops.
The trainings have been fully sponsored by the ILI-ACLE.
Posted 30th, October 2018